E: info@sptools.com.my

Specialty Tools, Workshop & Lighting

SP TOOLS Electrical System Tester Multimeter, Power Probe & Oscilloscope | SP62505

SP TOOLS Digital Insulation Tester | SP62018

SP TOOLS Digital Multimeter - Deluxe Automotive - 0.8 to 100V | SP62016

SP TOOLS rofessional Automotive Diagnostic Smart Tablet + VCI Comms Unit |

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SP TOOLS Jump Starter / Power Bank - 3000A - 12v - SX Boost | SP61095

SP TOOLS Jump Starter / Power Bank - 2000A - 12v - SX Boost | SP61093

SP TOOLS Jump Starter / Power Bank - 4300A - 12v/24v - MX Boost | SP61097

SP TOOLS Battery, Charge & Cranking System Tester - Deluxe | SP61063

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SP TOOLS Truck Wheel Oil Seal Puller | SP66001

SP TOOLS Oil Evacuation System - 10L | SP64028

SP TOOLS Petrol Compression Tester Kit (Deluxe) | SP66030

SP TOOLS Diesel Injector Extractor and Common Rail Puller Kit - 14pc - Plus Slide Hammer | SP66082

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SP TOOLS Brake Pipe Bending Tool - Up to 5mm Diameter | SP63012

SP TOOLS Brake Fluid & Coolant Boiling Point Tester | SP63025

SP TOOLS Brake Fluid Moisture Tester | SP63027

SP TOOLS Vacuum Brake Bleeder - 4 Litre | SP71800

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SP TOOLS Door Upholstery Clip Remover - Small 5 to 7mm | SP30812

SP TOOLS Trim Clip Pliers - 80กใ Offset Jaws | SP30878

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SP TOOLS Pry Bar Set - Pocket Size - 3pc | SP30730

SP TOOLS Flex Flashlight | SP31601

SP TOOLS Torque Wrench - 3/8" Micrometer - VDE Insulated - 20 to 100Nm | SP95252

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SP TOOLS Scraper Set - Carbide - 2pc | SP30800

SP TOOLS O-Ring Remover Set - Heavy Duty - 4pc | SP30811

SP TOOLS Pick-up Tool - Flexible Magnetic | SP31505

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